
advanced open water diver

exploration, excitement, experiences.
that is what the padi advanced open water course is all about. we do agree with their philosophy in 100%. and no, you don’t have to be an “advanced” diver to take it; it’s designed so you can start straight away after the open water course. this course helps you increase your confidence and build your scuba skills so you can become more comfortable underwater and more advanced in your open water skills.
one of the main reasons you will enjoy the advanced open water program is that you and your instructor choose different types of adventure dives to complete the program according to your needs and interest. you will develop new capabilities and enjoy new diving activities, master new techniques and you will have a chance to explore breathtaking cenote diving as well as classic caribbean coral reef.
to enroll in the padi advanced diver course, you must
be 12 years or older
be certified as a padi open water diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization.

the course can be completed in two to three days depending on your needs.
throughout this time you complete two segments: knowledge development and open water dives. the development of knowledge for the advanced program is normally done by the student’s independent study using the manual. there is no test or exam in this program; we just want you to have fun.
this course certifies you to dive worldwide and enables you to independently (with a buddy) plan and make dives to a maximum of 30 meters/ 100 feet.

the course requires five dives – we offer six, along with the nitrox specialty if desired.
two dives are mandatory: underwater navigation and the deep dive with an immersion depth of max 30 meters/100 feet in the amazing cenote angelita (link) where you will experience both deep diving sensation and unreal surrealistic landscape with the mystical layer of hydrogen sulfide which separates the salt and fresh water, appearing as a dense magic cloud. It’s an unforgettable experience and it’s a part of your advanced training!
and three dives of your choice: enriched air nitrox, fish identification – aware or underwater naturalist, boat, propulsion vehicle (with additional fee), currents-drift dives, dry suit, multilevel, night, peak performance buoyancy, search and recovery, photography and videography.
we teach in english, spanish and polish.
important! we are proud to provide vip quality courses, mostly with ratio 1:1 (instructor and student only) and we spend as much time as necessary to make you into a good, responsible diver. no time and no peer pressure, you set the pace of your progress. read our comments on trip advisor for references.
advanced open water/special package

our special exclusive package includes enriched air nitrox training and advanced open water course together, all dives conducted on enriched air 32 % mix. the training takes four days. we offer two ocean dives in akumal known as “the place of the turtle” where you will swim with green turtles, and four cenote dives (manatee, angelita, carwash or gran cenote). we teach peak performance buoyancy at the beginning to ensure that you can enjoy cavern diving, stay safe and respect the beauty of unique calcite formation.  you will learn or master frog kick and other propulsion techniques necessary in cavern zone diving. we offer multilevel diving and provide dive computers on every single dive so you can plan your dive and dive your plan. on our search & recovery dive we teach how to run the reel, search for a missing object and recovery it using a lift bag. we pay special attention on enriched air training, teach you academics in a classroom and literally let you dive on nitrox during the whole course. the eanx certification allows you to dive on enriched air up to 40% worldwide.  our deep dive training is a no-decompression dive but we include some basic decompression knowledge and we review usage dive tables and teach you how to use and plan dives with the dive computer. after completing this course you will really feel like an advanced diver. we teach either padi or iantd standards depending on request. we teach in english, spanish and polish./http://tulumscuba.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/adv.jpg” width=”290″ height=”193″ lightbox=”on” ]